Advanced Tools and Applications
Besides Server Preferences and the other basic administration applications, Snow
Leopard Server includes the advanced administration applications and tools described
in the following table. For more information about these tools and applications, open
Server Admin and then use the Help menu, or see the Mac OS X Server Resources
website at www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources/.
If you have administration applications and tools from Mac OS X Server
v10.5 Leopard or earlier, do not use them with Snow Leopard Server.
Advanced applications and tools for server administrators
Directory Utility
Configure advanced connections to directory servers. Open Directory Utility by clicking Edit
(or Join) in the Login Options section of the Accounts pane of System Preferences.
Podcast Capture (in /Applications/Utilities/)
Record high-quality audio and video from a local or remote camera, capture screen activity,
or upload QuickTime files into Podcast Producer for encoding and distribution.
Podcast Composer (in /Applications/Server/)
Follow a structured, graphical process to create workflows that control how Podcast Producer
generates and distributes podcasts.
QuickTime Broadcaster (in /Applications/)
Capture live audio and video that works seamlessly with QuickTime Streaming Server for high-
quality network broadcasting.
RAID Admin (in /Applications/Server/)
Set up and monitor Xserve RAID hardware.

Chapter 1
Introducing Mac OS X Server
Advanced applications and tools for server administrators
Server Admin (in /Applications/Server/)
Change advanced service settings, configure advanced services, and manage file share points.
Monitor server activity and view detailed service logs.
Server Assistant
Set up multiple servers automatically, using saved auto setup profiles. Open Server Assistant by
using the Server menu in Server Admin.
Server Monitor (in /Applications/Server/)
Remotely monitor and manage one or more Xserve systems.
System Image Utility (in /Applications/Server/)
Create NetBoot and NetInstall images for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server computers.
System Preferences (in /Applications/)
Connect the server to a directory server in your organization.
Workgroup Manager (in /Applications/Server/)
Manage users, groups, computers, and computer groups in advanced server deployments.
Manage preferences for Mac OS X users.
Xgrid Admin (in /Applications/Server/)
Remotely manage clusters, monitor controller and agent activity, and check job status on the grid.
Command-line tools
Use UNIX tools to install and set up server software, administer services, manage users, and more.