What You Need to Install Snow Leopard Server
To install Snow Leopard Server, you need a Macintosh desktop computer or server with:
An Intel processor
At least 2 gigabytes (GB) of random access memory (RAM)
At least 10 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available
Your server needs significantly more disk space—such as a high capacity external
hard drive—if you want to allow Snow Leopard and Leopard users to back up their
Macs on the server. A server needs even more disk space if you want to back up the
server using Time Machine.
An active connection to a secure network
If you’re an experienced system administrator, you can install and initially set up
Snow Leopard Server without a network connection if, during setup, you select the
option to configure manually and you don’t create an Open Directory master or
connect to an existing directory server during initial setup. The server will need a
network connection when you set up its directory services.
Some Podcast encoding operations require a compatible graphics card.
Some features have additional system requirements or require additional purchases.
For details, see the Mac OS X Server website at www.apple.com/server/macosx/.
Unless you have a site license, you need a unique serial number for each server.
You must use a Mac OS X Server v10.6 Snow Leopard serial number, which begins
with XSVR-106.

Chapter 2
Getting Ready for Mac OS X Server
A built-in DVD drive is convenient for installing Mac OS X Server, but you can also
attach an external FireWire DVD drive or a Mac that has a DVD drive and is operating in
target disk mode.
A display is optional. You can use an administrator computer to install and administer
Mac OS X Server on a computer that has no display. For information, see “Preparing an
Administrator Computer” on page 51.
Your server doesn’t need to be located where someone has constant access to it. When
you need to perform administrative tasks, you can use any Mac that you’ve set up as an
administrator computer.