Installing Remotely
Using Server Admin and Server Assistant on an administrator computer, you can install
Mac OS X Server on another computer over the network. The computer you’re installing
on doesn’t need a display, but it does need a DVD drive for the Mac OS X Server Install
Disc. If the computer doesn’t have a built-in DVD drive, you can attach an external
FireWire DVD drive or a Mac that has a DVD drive and is operating in target disk mode.
You can perform:
A new installation of Mac OS X Server on a disk that doesn’t already have Mac OS X
Server or Mac OS X installed
A clean installation, which installs Mac OS X Server after erasing and formatting a
target disk

Chapter 3
Installing Mac OS X Server
An upgrade of a server with an Intel processor and Mac OS X Server v10.5 Leopard or
Mac OS X Server v10.4.11 Tiger (for information about other upgrading and migrating
options, open Server Admin and then use the Help menu, or see the Mac OS X
Server Resources website at www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources/
To install Mac OS X Server remotely:
If you’re planning to erase the target disk or partition, make sure you have a backup of
it, and optionally use Disk Utility to prepare the target disk.
If you only need to erase the target disk using the most common format, Mac OS
Extended (Journaled), you don’t need to use Disk Utility. With Disk Utility, you can erase
the target disk using other formats, partition the server’s hard disk, or create a RAID set.
For information about using Disk Utility for these tasks, see “Erasing with Disk Utility” on
page 49.
Start up the target server with the Mac OS X Server Install Disc.
If the target server has a built-in DVD drive, insert the disc and then restart the
computer while holding down the C key on the keyboard. Release the C key when you
see the Apple logo.
If the target server has an external FireWire DVD drive, restart the computer while
holding down the Option key, select the icon representing the Mac OS X Server Install
Disc, and then click the Arrow button.
On an administrator computer, open Server Admin and select “Ready for Install” in the
list on the left.
Server Admin is located in /Applications/Server/.

Chapter 3
Installing Mac OS X Server
If Server Admin asks for a password to connect to a server that’s already set up on
your network, you can click Cancel. You don’t need an administrator account to install
Mac OS X Server remotely.
Select the target server on the right, and then click Install.
If the server you want isn’t listed, you can click the Refresh (curved arrow) button to
have Server Admin look again for servers that are ready for installation on your local
If the server you want is on a different local network, choose Server > Install Remote
When Server Assistant opens, confirm the target server’s address, enter the first 8
characters of the server’s built-in hardware serial number as a password, and click
If the Address field is blank or incorrect, enter the server’s DNS name or its IP address in
IPv4 format (for example,
For servers that Server Assistant finds on the local network (IP subnet), an IP address
may be assigned automatically by a DHCP server on the network. If no DHCP server
exists, the target server uses a 169.254.xxx.xxx address unique among servers on the
local network. Later, when you set up the server, you can change the IP address.
To find the serial number, look for a label on the server. Match the capitalization of the
serial number when you type it.
For an Xserve with Intel processor that has had its main logic board replaced and
has no hardware serial number, enter “System S” (don’t enter the quotation marks)
as the password. For another computer that has no built-in hardware serial number,
use 12345678 as the password.

Chapter 3
Installing Mac OS X Server
Select the language you want Mac OS X Server to use and click Continue.
The language you select doesn’t affect the language on users’ computers.
Select a destination disk or volume (partition) and click Install.
If the volume you selected already has Mac OS X Server or Mac OS X installed, select an
available option and then click OK.
The options may include:
Erase: Completely erases the destination volume before installing a new copy of
Mac OS X Server.
Upgrade: This option is available only if the destination volume has Mac OS X Server
v10.5 Leopard or Mac OS X Server v10.4.11 Tiger. You can upgrade this volume to
Snow Leopard Server without erasing the destination volume. For information about
upgrading and migrating, open Server Admin and then use the Help menu, or see the
Mac OS X Server Resources website at www.apple.com/server/macosx/resources/.
After installation is complete, the target server restarts and you can click More Options
to set up the server remotely or to install Mac OS X Server on another computer.
If you clicked More Options, choose what you want to do with Server Assistant now.
Install Mac OS X Server remotely: Repeat this procedure, skipping steps 3 and 4.
Set up Mac OS X Server remotely: For instructions, see “Setting Up a Server
Remotely” on page 65.

Chapter 3
Installing Mac OS X Server
Prepare and save information for automatic setup: Lets you go through the setup
process, selecting setup options and entering setup data, and then instead of using
the setup information to configure a server right now, save the setup information as an
auto setup profile on a removable drive or disc. Later you can use the saved auto setup
profile to automate the setup of one or more servers. For more information, see the
Installation & Setup Worksheet. (It’s in the Documentation folder on the Mac OS X Server
Install Disc.)
Instead of using Server Assistant on an administrator computer, you can remotely
control installation by using screen sharing on a Mac with Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard
or Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, or by using Apple Remote Desktop (which you
can purchase separately) on another Mac. For information, open Server Admin
and then use the Help menu, and visit the Apple Remote Desktop website at